Benefits Calculator
Benefits Calculator
Step 1: Select your plan from the options below. If you need help identifying your plan, view the List of Employer and Plan Names.
Definition of Compensation
For Plan Types A – S
Items that may be included in “Compensation Earnable.” Remuneration earned and receivable in cash (under applicable MOU) to the retiring employee during the final compensation period for working the ordinary time required of other employees in the same grade/class shall be included in “compensation earnable”, including but not limited to the following items of compensation, and others substantially similar to them:
Benefit Formula
Employers with Corresponding Plan Names
City of San Juan Capistrano | I & J, S, U, W |
County of Orange – General Members | A & B, I & J, P, T, U |
County of Orange – Safety Members | E & F, Q & R, V |
County of Orange – Probation Safety Members | E & F, V |
Orange County Cemetery District | M & N, U |
Tier I Members
Members in tier 1 plan formulas compute their final monthly compensation by taking their highest 12 consecutive months of compensation and dividing by 12.
Tier II Members
Members in tier II plan formulas compute their final monthly compensation by taking their highest 36 consecutive months of compensation and dividing by 36.
Service Under Different Retirement Formulas
This calculator will not convert any split service you may have, such as members who moved between plan sponsors with different benefit formulas or members who have both general and safety member service credit. If you have service under different retirement formulas, use the Split Service Calculator to the right.
Important Notice – The benefits calculator is not an official OCERS estimate and OCERS is not bound by the results.
The estimate shows a projected retirement allowance based on the information entered for the Unmodified Option only. The calculator will not provide an estimate for Options 1 through 4. The calculator does not provide estimates for reinstatement from retirement or any disability retirement.
For PEPRA plans U, V and W OCERS retirement benefits are limited to 120% of the Social Security level, adjusted annually based on changes to the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers and are subject to specific rules limiting pensionable compensation. To see the current annual benefit compensation limit click here.