OCERS has two membership types, Safety and General, which are based on job classifications.
Additionally, members will fall into one of the three following categories based on their work or retirement status: Active Members, Deferred Members and Retired Members.
OCERS is a defined benefit retirement plan which provides a fixed, pre-established benefit for employees at retirement. The amount of your benefit is calculated by factors such as salary and length of service.
This website offers a wealth of information to learn more about your membership, including steps on how to plan for your transition into retirement.
Active Member Information
You automatically become a member of the Retirement System on the date you commence employment in an eligible position.
The State of California passed the Public Employees Pension Reform Act (PEPRA) that amended certain sections of the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 (better known as the “37 Act”) under which OCERS operates. The law created new benefit types for new employees/members entering public agency employment and public retirement system membership for the first time on or after 1/1/2013.
Changes in Your Life or Job
Even if you are not ready to retire, you should be aware that OCERS will be there for important life events as they relate to your retirement benefits. Whether you are moving to a new home, have questions as it relates to dividing your retirement benefits in divorce proceedings, or are deciding how to handle your retirement contributions after terminating employment, OCERS will be ready to provide you with educational resources and exceptional member service.
Disability Retirement
If you become permanently incapacitated from performing your usual and customary job duties while a member of OCERS, you may be eligible for a Disability Retirement allowance. If you feel you may be eligible, please contact OCERS’ Disability Section at (714) 558-6200 for the necessary forms and for more information.
If you meet the age and service requirement, you may retire with a Service Retirement at any time during the process of your disability application.
Ask Benny
Introducing Ben E. Fits, aka Benny, our latest advice column dedicated to retirement benefits!
This feature is designed to be an invaluable resource for our members, offering guidance on general pension-related queries, retirement benefits, beneficiaries, and retirement planning.
Note: Please include your name and the best contact number, so we can review your information and provide you with the most accurate response.
Frequently Asked Questions
To assist you in finding the answers you seek and to learn more about OCERS, we have created the follow list of frequently asked questions and answers. The Q&A are group by categories.
At any time, if you have questions or need assistance, please contact us.
myOCERS Member Portal Support
myOCERS Member Portal is your secure online resource for accessing your personal information from the privacy and comfort of your own home. Once you register and create your myOCERS account you can manage a number of features online.