Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission


Member Forms

Active members can login to their myOCERS account to update beneficiary information and request to purchase service credit; retirees can submit address changes, direct deposit updates, tax withholding elections as well as update their beneficiary information.


Reverse Pick Up Rates

Certain County of Orange and Special District agency employees are subject to an employee-paid reverse pickup contribution in addition to their bi‐weekly retirement contributions. The reverse pickup rate is determined by the Orange County Auditor Controller’s office and changes annually, effective each fiscal new year.

View the Reverse Pickup Rates list and find your employer, your bargaining unit, and plan formula under the applicable year to see your reverse pick rate.


Compensation and Benefit Limits

Compensation and Benefit Limits for 2025:
401(a)(17) $350,000
SSI (PEPRA Plans U, V and W) $186,096
415(m) $280,000

Compensation and Benefit Limits for 2024:
401(a)(17) $345,000
SSI (PEPRA Plans U, V and W) $181,734
415(m) $275,000

Compensation and Benefit Limits for 2023:
401(a)(17) $330,000
SSI (PEPRA Plans U, V and W) $175,250
415(m) $265,000