Additional Resources


OCERS, the Social Security Administration, The County of Orange Deferred Compensation Distribution Options (Empower Retirement), and Retired Employees Association of Orange County (REAOC) have provided information for near future retirees. Any questions on these benefits should be directed to their offices.

OCERS Pre-Retirement Seminar Slides

OCERS Pre-Retirement Seminar Notes

OCERS Pre-Retirement Seminar Slides - OCFA

OCERS Pre-Retirement Seminar Notes - OCFA

County of Orange Empower Retirement Distribution Options PowerPoint

County Retiree Medical Benefits Presentation

REAOC Invitation Letter for New Retirees

2023 Social Security Administration Presentation Slides

OCERS does not provide or manage any Retiree Health or Medical Programs on behalf of our various employers. For questions regarding your Retiree Medical Benefits (Health Grants, Medicare, Vision, Dental, etc.) please see our Health Insurance Deductions page.