Termination, Withdrawal, and Survivor Questions


I am the surviving spouse of an OCERS member who passed away in active service. Am I entitled to any survivor benefits?

If you are a surviving spouse/domestic partner of an active member who passes away, you may be eligible for death benefits in the form of a lump sum or monthly allowance depending on the member’s length of service and whether the death was service- or nonservice-connected. If the member’s death was service-connected, you must have been married/registered to the member prior to the injury or illness which resulted in death.

If I separate from active employment, can I roll my OCERS contributions over to an IRA?

Yes, but choose carefully. CAUTION: If you elect to withdraw or roll over your contributions and interest, you will forfeit (give up) your right to any future retirement benefits from OCERS, including disability benefits.

If you choose to withdraw your contributions and interest when you terminate, you may elect to roll over to an IRA or other qualified plan. Tax laws governing rollovers are complex. You will need to consult your tax advisor for detailed information.

What happens to my retirement contributions after I separate from active employment?

When you separate from active employment, you have several options:

If eligible, you may retire and receive a monthly retirement allowance.

If you are not retirement eligible, your retirement will be automatically deferred (postponed). You may retire when you meet the minimum age and service requirements. Your contributions will remain on deposit and continue to earn interest. If you become a member of a reciprocal retirement system, visit the reciprocity page for additional information.

In lieu of retirement, you may withdraw your contributions and interest. Be advised that taking a withdrawal terminates your membership in OCERS and by doing so, you will forfeit (give up) your right to any future retirement benefits from OCERS, including disability benefits.

What is the withdrawal process? And what is the turnaround time?

Upon separation of employment, OCERS requires a written notice of termination from the employer. After receipt of the notice of termination, OCERS mails a letter notifying you of available options regarding your funds.

If you wish to withdraw your contributions and interest from your OCERS account, you will need to complete and submit a Member/Beneficiary Request to Withdraw Contributions/Elect Rollover Form, which you can download from the OCERS website, to initiate the process. 

Your withdrawal request is processed within 8 to 10 weeks from your date of separation of employment, to allow for final salary records to post from your former employer. 

Be advised that taking a withdrawal terminates your membership in OCERS and by doing so, you will forfeit (give up) your right to any future retirement benefits from OCERS, including disability benefits.